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Warm Beautiful Homes Operations Limited recognises that its activities impact upon the environment at local, regional and global levels. We acknowledge a responsibility for the protection of the environment, and of the health and safety of our employees and the wider community.

Warm Beautiful Homes is conscious of our effect on the environment. We are working to improve the environment in which people live and as we do it we try to minimise our harmful effect on the environment. We work with our partners to design the finest homes which not only means homes that are aesthetically pleasing but are efficient in use and minimise energy use and wastage. 


We always provide recycling facilities, heating is provided as efficiently as possible, sewage treatment standards are high, water handling is efficient, and appliances minimise waste. Insulation standards are high, including double glazing, which not only improve energy efficiency but minimise sound pollution.


We want our homes to be places that enhance the countryside and don’t pollute it. As far as possible we allow space for growing plants and crops and wherever possible we will try to conserve wildlife habitats (So, for example we will want to minimise light pollution and work to only use the appropriate levels of illumination.) We give great consideration to maintaining and enhancing the local fauna.


Wherever we can, we restore, and renovate. This means that not only ensures that we preserve heritage and features but means our impact is reduced and waste is minimised. We always try to choose locally produced products that are produced sustainably and with minimised impact on the environment. We will seek products that are as environmentally friendly as possible and that are recyclable at the end of their life.


We construct all of our buildings using local, fully trained artisans and seek to minimise the travelling that they do. We will work with a philosophy of “do the job right first time” minimising remedial and snagging work. We will work to ensure our people are fully briefed and have access to good facilities. We seek to use the least polluting power machinery and transport consistent with producing a high quality home.


All of this adds up to improving the lives of people whilst minimising the impact we have on the planet.


Actions and Goals


Warm Beautiful Homes is committed to:

  • Promoting and protecting the preservation of the environment, and minimising the environmental impact of its activities upon the local, regional and global environments both through its actions and through its influence on others
  • Conserving natural resources and minimising all avoidable waste and pollution in order to contribute to a sustainable and healthy future for all
  • Reducing the use of non renewable fuels to improve energy efficiency and replacing these with renewable energy sources
  • Avoiding the unnecessary use of hazardous materials and processes
  • Using effective waste management and recycling procedures whilst using recycled and recyclable materials whenever possible

We will:

  • Educate and train staff in environmental matters as appropriate
  • Progressively reduce the amount waste generated
  • Market products, which create minimum environmental damage and use our purchasing influence to promote production of such products
  • Ensure that all public communications are true and unambiguous
  • Respect the interests of neighbours and the world community
  • Review our policies in an ongoing manner at regular intervals
  • Work with suppliers and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance
  • Where appropriate, consult with the local community on environmental issues



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